Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

deals with developing your capability to function effectively amidst cultural diversity (Ang, Van Dyne, & Koh, 2005; Earley & Ang, 2003; Earley & Mosakowski, 2005). Topics cover:

  • defining the meaning and importance of CQ
  • understanding the connection between cultural intelligence and intercultural communication
  • developing its four elements: motivation, knowledge, strategy, and action to improve your own personal cultural intelligence

The course is a combination of self-guided, individual learning, live class time in small groups with participants from around the world and small group projects where you can develop and test your communication, technical, professional and intercultural skills.

Throughout the course, you will be able to practice your, reading, writing, listening and speaking skills while developing your cultural intelligence.

Course participants also have access to our chatroom, where you can text one another as well as share and read interesting reports and articles.

Emails with questions and feedback for the course leader will always be answered promptly.

Cultural Intelligence - Course Outline

  •  Section 1 Introduction to intercultural studies
  •  Section 2 What is culture
  •  Section 3 Models of cultural differences
  •  Section 4 Intercultural communication
  •  Section 5 Intercultural communication
  •  Section 6 Cultural intelligence and intercultural competence
  •  Section 7 Developing cultural intelligence
  •  Section 8 Developing cultural intelligence – CQ knowledge
  •  Section 9 Developing CQ – CQ Case studies
  •  Section 10 Leveraging CQ – Culture and Leadership
  •  Section 11 Culture, diversity and inclusion
  •  Section 12 Cultural change and reflection