Online Language Training

We offer courses blending the dynamics of face-to-face interaction with the versatility of on-demand, individual learning. Through case studies and group projects, we help you develop your language competences for effective intercultural communication. Besides this, you will learn strategies to ensure that the message you have understood is the message that was meant.

  • Multifaceted instruction

    practice speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills

    virtual video conference classroom, course libraries and breakout rooms unite for on-demand and live instruction

    group learning in real-time, small-group classes

    independent learning with individual worksheets, webinars, podcasts and grammar references

  • Versatility in location

    completely integrated in the virtual world with
    access around the globe

    blended learning with on-site group work +
    individual computer work

  • Pre-designed courses for quick entry into learning
  • Specialized courses made to suit your organization
  • CQ Lingo chatroom

    ideal for practicing English in an informal setting outside of the classroom

    a virtual lounge open 24/7 with participants from
    around the world

    interesting news from around the world to help start

Hände am Tisch

How it works

Step 1 Ask for a free demo

  • Discover the variety of media and scope of the offered courses.

Step 2 Choose a course.

  • If you are an individual learner, read the course descriptions and select the course most relevant to your needs. In order to provide diversity in the classroom, courses will first be conducted with 4-5 participants. As an individual, your course may be delayed until the minimum course participation is achieved.
  • If you represent a company and are looking for a corporate solution, read the course descriptions and determine if the prepared courses fit your needs. If not, talk to us about your specific wishes and we will develop a customized solution for your organization.

Step 3 Pay for the course.

  • Payment with Visa or Mastercard is possible directly on our website. Once paid, you will be able to access the course which you have selected.
  • Direct bank payments to the CQ Lingo bank account are also available, but with slightly delayed access to the course which you have selected. Special corporate solutions are available.
  • As a language and communication school, we do not charge value-added tax (VAT) / Umsatzsteuer (Ust) for courses.

Step 4 Begin exploring

  • Upon notification of your processed payment, you will be granted access to your chosen course. Through the “directly to the course” button on your selected course page, you can gain access to your chosen course, where you can log in to gain full access to all course material. Once logged in, check the appointments for the live classes, see which live classes require preparation beforehand, discover what all is available in our reference library and check out the chatroom.

Step 5 Begin learning

  • Begin learning in the autonomous and individualized sections whenever you want. Our system will track what you have done, so you can see all that you have accomplished as you go along. Some live classes require preparation, so be sure to prepare before we meet. Come to the live classes at the scheduled times. All live classes will also be recorded for later review. In fact, all of your progress will be saved so that you can always return and review what you have accomplished. Enjoy learning as you improve your skill set.
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